Commercial, Private and Historical Painting


(410) 282-6417

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Quality Work, Environmentally Responsible.

What We Do

Eastwood specializes in commercial and residential painting, sealing and restoration projects.

Eastwood is also skilled in jobs that require environmentally responsible techniques.

Our services include:

  • Private, Commercial & Historical work
  • All types of coating for walls, ceilings and floors
  • Lead abatement contractor
  • Historic restoration using approved techniques & mineral coatings

Our Credentials

KEIM Certfication

SSPC Contractor

Maryland State Certified Lead Abatement

OSHA Trained & Safety Certified

Polymyx Certified

Our History

Eastwood is know for it seamless, responsive performance with personal commitment due to the Owners on site management of every project selected.

Eastwood's goal is to respond with speed and skill making sure that the typical problems in today's ever changing painting/construction field doesn't become your problem. We are proud of our 'can do" attitude, tempering that with sound judgement and experience that may minority firms lack.

We do this based on professionalism and personal commitment, advanced technology and good old fashioned common sense.